Remove 99% of Your Bad Reviews In 7 Days, Guaranteed.
Through our network of review removal specialists, we guarantee to remove 99% of your bad reviews and you only pay us after we remove them (no upfront or hidden fees)

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How It Works
Only pay us after we remove each negative review.
1. Send Us Your Reviews
Send us the links of the bad reviews you want removed.
2. We'll Remove Your Reviews
Our team of Review Removal Specialists will remove 99% of your negative reviews within 7 days.
3. Pay Only After Results
Pay us after we finish removing you reviews.

If the reviews ever come back (very rare), we guarantee to quickly remove them again at no cost.

Why You Should Remove Your Negative Reviews

  • Studies show even a 1 star increase in your star ratings increases revenue by 25%
  • 9 in 10 users have made buying decisions based on online reviews
  • ​92% of users will only visit a business that has a 4-star rating or higher

Frequently Asked Questions

What Review Platforms Do You Remove From?
We handle the removal of negative reviews from platforms such as Google, BBB, Yelp, Glassdoor, TrustPilot, WebMD, Expedia,,, TripAdvisor, Airbnb, Foursquare, OpenTable, Amazon, YellowPages, and many others.
Can Negative Reviews Actually Be Removed?

Correct. We are the world's only company that guarantees permanent removal and ensures you only pay for results.

Unlike other companies that focus solely on suppressing negative content and claim permanent removal is impossible, we make it a reality.
How Much Does It Cost To Remove Content Online?

The cost of removals varies based on the number of links, the type of content, and the difficulty of the domain. Remember, we offer a pay-for-results promise, so you only pay if the content is successfully removed. For a free quote, contact one of our Reputation Consultants, who will personally review your case.
How Do You Remove 99% of  Negative Reviews?

New content removal clients are assigned a Customer Success Leader (CSL) to assist and update them throughout the process. The CSL collects information about the negative content and its impact, which our experts use to build a customized case & also get in touch with our rep connections to  permanently remove the content. That way, we remove it both through an actual case and also our connections at the platform.
Why Do People Say It's Impossible To Remove It?

In short, many prefer to lock you into a long-term contract focused on suppressing or pushing down negative content, which has been the industry standard for online reputation management. While this can be effective, we prioritize an immediate removal-first approach.
Is Removing Online Content Legal?

Yes. All our services and strategies are entirely legal and ethical. We work on your behalf to permanently remove negative content, using our extensive experience and legal expertise to safeguard your reputation.

Lifetime Guarantee
In addition to only paying us after we remove the reviews, if the reviews ever come back - We promise to remove them again without any cost to you. 
© 1484351 B.C. LTD. DBA (Doing Business As) Review Vanish

250 - 997 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C, Canada